Monday, August 9, 2010

Where has the summer gone?

I thought I would do a much better job of blogging once I was done with the school year, however that has not been the case. The summer has once again gotten away from me. We have been very busy this summer and I have a lot of catching up to do with the blogging. We have spent most of our weekends at my parents lake house. The kids have really enjoyed spending time their.
At the beginning of the summer Elliot and Whitney were very hesitant with getting in the water, but now they have become quite the little fishes. They both absolutely love the water. They will even jump in and dunk their faces!
Gavin has graduated to running and jumping off the end of the dock!

Elliot and Whitney adore their big brother Gavin. They always want to do exactly what Gavin is doing. Gavin tolerates it most of the time!

Whitney snuggling with grandpa. Whitney is a big snuggler!

One of Elliot's favorite activities is driving the boat!
The kids have also spent lots of time with their buddy Jack at the lake. The boys like to make their towels into dresses.

Having a picnic

I love the evening sunsets over the lake!


The Browning's said...

Nice update. That's so awesome to have access to a lake a place to stay! Looks like lots of fun!!

Jenny said...

Hurray for blog updates! Great pictures of the kids at the lake Paula.