Sunday, March 21, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Elliot!

Elliot had his first kid birthday party this year. He invited his buddies Jack, Isaac, and Andrew. He is really into trains right now so that was the theme for his party. I made his cake (which I was very impressed with). Thanks everyone for making his day so special!!

Elliot concentrating on his train art project
Gavin making his project
The boys with their finished projects (from left to right: Isaac, Andrew, Elliot, and Jack).
Present opening time

Enjoying the new toys

Happy 9th Birthday Gavin!

Gavin's birthday was in February, but he wasn't here so we celebrated it with him this weekend. One of his favorite presents was his snorkel set. He can't wait until we can go to the lake! Hope you had a great birthday Gavin!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Big Milestone

In the last couple of weeks Whitney has been taking a few steps here and there, but in the last day or so she has started walking from one end of the room to the next. She hasn't figured out how to stand up on her own, so crawling is still her main mode of transportation. It won't be long though until she is able to keep up with Elliot.


This morning the kids and I went to see my mom and grandpa. My grandpa is in a nursing home now so we have been trying to go see him once a week. My grandpa and all the other residence love seeing the kids. Two of Elliot's favorite things to do when visiting are taking great grandpa for a walk so he can push him in his wheel chair and going to see the birds.

Great Grandpa kept teasing Elliot by taking his hat.
Enjoying the birds with Grandma Peg

Whitney has decided that you can see the birds much better if you put your mouth on the glass.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Beautiful Art Work

Gavin's art work was chosen by his teacher to be displayed at the Plain's Art museum in Fargo. We are VERY proud of you Gavin. You did a fantastic job!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Steps of Hope Walk

On Sunday was the Steps of Hope Walk for Autism awareness. Whitney and I walked with the Osseo team (Elliot was with Ryan and Lorelei). This is my 5th year of walking. We have the largest group of walkers for the state! Denise Blanchard, a parent from Weaver formed our group 5 years ago. This past summer Denise was diagnosed with lung cancer. So this year in her honor we all wore pearl ribbons and then presented her with a dozen pearl colored roses. Pearl is the color that symbolizes lung cancer. Stacy Ness (Autism teacher at WVR) gave the speech to recognize Denise for our group.

Jack and Becky joined us in the walk this year. It was great to have there support and Whitney enjoyed having her buddy walk with her!

Stacy and Denise

Monday, March 1, 2010

Play Dates

Last Sunday we had a play date with our buddy Jack. We took the kids to the mall and let them play on the indoor playground. They all had a blast!!

We also recently went over to another little boys house. At this play date there were 5 of them all 3 and under. They all played so well and had so much fun and for a bonus the moms had a nice visit!!
Is anyone watching me eat all these crackers? If don't put them all in my mouth at once one of the boys might try to steal them!!
Oliver and Whitney in the Coozy Coup. Oliver was not a huge fan of Whitney joining him. She hopped in and took right over. Oliver tolerated this for a little while and then he politely opened the door for her and gave her a gentle shove to help her out of the car.
Johnny lounging in the ball pit
Elliot and Jack playing with the race track.