Monday, May 25, 2009

Memoril Day Weekend!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! We had a busy, but fun-filled weekend. I started the weekend off with a wonderful Saturday morning at the spa. I had a facial, body massage, and a pedicure. This was my Mothers Day gift from the kids. What a wonderful gift it was!!! On Sunday we went to a friends cabin and enjoyed the beautiful weather. This evening we went to Ryan and Lorelie's for a BBQ. The pictures are from our day at the cabin. I remembered the camera for tonights BBQ, but forgot the memory card that goes in the camera (I had been downloading pictures right before we left), so I didnt get any pictures. Some neighbors of Ryan and Lorelei's were over and they had a baby 2 weeks ago. Elliot stood and stared at the baby forever. He couldn't get over that their was a baby littler then Whitney.
The boys soaking their feet in the brisk water!
Whitney and Daddy enjoying the day!
Gavin walking with Jack and Becky
Gavin and Jack enjoying some strawberries


Here are some pictures that I thought were blog worthy that have been taken this past week.
Gavin and Elliot hanging out together on our bed.
Whitney loves her pacifier or pier (that is what Elliot calls it). Don't worry she can still smile with it in. She is such a smiley little girl.
Our sleepy little girl!
Whitney likes playing in her highchair after she gets done eating and this night she feel asleep while we were cleaning up the dishes.
We had been outside and Whitney feel asleep in my arms so I brought her in and put her in her crib. I thought she looked cute her little hat and snuggled next to her bunny.
Working Hard!
Whitney wants to sit up so bad. She tries so hard to pull herself to sitting position but just isn't strong enough yet. When she is sitting up she can't quite support herself on her own.
Enjoying her tummy time
Elliot got out of the bath one night and insisted on putting on my robe.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


I finally have posted my first video. Last night Elliot was jumping off a package of diapers. Jumping is a new milestone for Elliot. We have been working on this skill for quite sometime and I think he has finally mastered it. Enjoy!!

5 months Old

It is hard to believe, but Whitney is 5 months old already! She is getting so big.
Elliot decided he needed to be in the picture this time too!

Random Pictures

This post is of some random (but blog worthy) pictures that have been taken over the past few weeks.

The first two pictures are of Whitney in her exersaucer. She loves playing in her exersaucer!
She doesn't look like she is enjoying it as much in this picture, but I had to post her pout look. She already has the pout lip down pat!!!

"Look I have cow shoes!" Elliot is so proud of his "cow shoes" as he calls them. He had been asking for a pair so for Easter Grandma and Grandpa Sala got him a pair. He wears them every where.

Elliot has quite the head of hair and in the morning it is always out of control. Well this morning it was way out of control and I just couldn't resist taking a few pictures.

Friday, May 8, 2009

The Circus

Last week I took Elliot to a small circus that was in town. He loved it!!! His favorite parts of the circus were eating his popcorn, the clown with the dogs, and the tigers!