Thursday, October 30, 2008

Its Pumpking Carving Time!

After picking the perfect pumpkins out from the pumpkin patch we had to carve them. We did our carvings in 2 shifts. The first night of carving Elliot got to tired and ended up going to bed right before we were going to start, so we carved pumpkins with Gavin and then a different night carved Elliot's pumpkin.
Grant decided to paint a face this year instead of carving his pumpkin.

Gavin digging the guts out of his pumpkin

Gavin showcasing the pumpkins. He was trying to make his own Jack-O-Lantern face with his missing teeth. I would say it looks pretty good!!

Now it's Elliot's turn!
Daddy drawing the face on his pumpkin.
Elliot needed a turn at drawing on the pumpkin too!
Elliot was not to sure about the next stage of pumpkin carving. The next few pictures show Elliot getting braver and braver. First he needed to check it out from the sidlines. Then he sat on daddy's lap and put one finger on the pumpkin
He is getting closer, but still thinks daddy needs to be the one digging out the goop.
Finally he goes in for a dig!!!
Elliot's favorite part of the pumpkins was after they were carved and we lit them. He sat and looked in the pumpkins for a good 20 to 30 minutes.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

This morning the boys and I went to a pumpking patch. Both boys enjoyed walking around looking for the perfect pumpkin!

When we got home I tried getting a nice picture of the boys with their pumpkins, however I never could get a good one of the two of them. Elliot does not sit for very long so by the time I actually got the picture taken he was in mid action. I did get some half way good individual pictures of both boys though.

Friday, October 24, 2008

This is what Daddy and I did while Mommy was in Colorado.....

We went to Williston to visit Grandma and Grandpa Sala. While we were there I was busy doing lots of different things. Daddy and Grandpa went hunting during the day, so Grandma and I hung out together. When Daddy and Grandpa came home I helped them unload the truck and clean the birds! I can't wait until I am old enough to go hunting with them (my mom says it won't be until I am 18, but I know daddy will let me go before then).

Don't worry mom I washed my hands after I was done petting the pheasant!

While I was hanging out with Grandma I played music for her on the piano

Went grocery shopping
Ate at McDonalds

And hung out with Great Grandma Mildred. I am so glad that she lives in Williston now, because I got to see her a lot when I was there. I loved riding on her walker!!
This is Great Grandma in her new apartment

Sunday, October 19, 2008

First Visit with James Kroetch

For MEA weekend I decided to go to Colorado to visit Jenny and to meet new baby James (7 weeks old today). Grant agreed to keep Elliot for the weekend so I could go and visit and help out as needed. It is a little harder to do those things with Elliot. So I did exactly that. Jenny and I got lots of visiting and shopping in and I was able to spend lots of time snuggling with James.

Jenny has a great back yard, so we coaxed Doug into coming out and taking some photos of us in their yard. First we had to make sure that James had a cute outfit on!! Boy did he ever look cute in his cords and sweater vest! Doug thought he looked like his grandpa and Uncle Cory thought he looked like a nerd dressed like that, but the rest of us thought he looked adorable.
James, the baby, and I bonding together on the couch. James was in such a great mood last night. I think the three of us hung out on the couch for about an hour. I got lots of smiles and some vocalizations out of him!! The baby and James played together for awhile too. The baby kicked at James several times.
Hanging out in the boppy
Who says boys don't like to shop?!? James loved shopping with his mommy and me for 7 hours. He was such a tropper while we shopped!!!

Doug set this pose up. He thought James looked like Grandpa Kroetch in his outfit, so he went and got his weekly hometown paper and set it by him.

On Saturday Jenny, James, and I headed to Longmont for Kaylynn's (Jenny's niece) soccer game. It was a beautiful day to sit and watch a bunch of 4 year olds play soccer. It was also pretty entertaining. Here is a picture of Kaylynn ready to go after the ball. She is a great kicker!! After the game we all went out for lunch and then back to Cory and Jamie's house to visit for awhile.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Busy Day

My parents were here this weekend. Here are a few of the activities we did on Saturday.

Tearing off Siding

Saturday morning my dad, Grant, Gavin, Elliot, and I all helped in tearing off our siding. My dad, Grant, and Gavin tore off the siding and Elliot and I hauled it to the dumpster. No more ugly blue color.

Where's Elliot??? There were smaller pieces, but of course he had to grab the biggest piece he could carry.
Elliot's favorite part was throwing the siding into the dumpster
Gavin had fun tearing off the siding, especially when he got to use the hammer.

Fire Station Open House

In the afternoon we went to the Buffalo Fire Station's annual open house.

Gavin trying out the hose. This is the house he was spraying.

Uncle Ryan took Gavin and Elliot on the fire truck. They got to go for a ride.


Saturday night we went to my Aunt Jeannie's house for Boya. They have Boya every Oct. At the Boya they have a big bonfire and a huge kettle of stew. My aunt and uncle and several of their friends started Boya at least 15 years ago and it has been a tradition every year. Both boys really enjoyed going. Gavin has fun running with all the kids. I actually didn't get any pictures of him because he was so busy playing. Elliot also enjoyed running around and was enthralled by the bonfire.

We couldn't get Elliot to look at the camera. He was to busy watching the flames and ashes.