Monday, October 13, 2008

Busy Day

My parents were here this weekend. Here are a few of the activities we did on Saturday.

Tearing off Siding

Saturday morning my dad, Grant, Gavin, Elliot, and I all helped in tearing off our siding. My dad, Grant, and Gavin tore off the siding and Elliot and I hauled it to the dumpster. No more ugly blue color.

Where's Elliot??? There were smaller pieces, but of course he had to grab the biggest piece he could carry.
Elliot's favorite part was throwing the siding into the dumpster
Gavin had fun tearing off the siding, especially when he got to use the hammer.

Fire Station Open House

In the afternoon we went to the Buffalo Fire Station's annual open house.

Gavin trying out the hose. This is the house he was spraying.

Uncle Ryan took Gavin and Elliot on the fire truck. They got to go for a ride.


Saturday night we went to my Aunt Jeannie's house for Boya. They have Boya every Oct. At the Boya they have a big bonfire and a huge kettle of stew. My aunt and uncle and several of their friends started Boya at least 15 years ago and it has been a tradition every year. Both boys really enjoyed going. Gavin has fun running with all the kids. I actually didn't get any pictures of him because he was so busy playing. Elliot also enjoyed running around and was enthralled by the bonfire.

We couldn't get Elliot to look at the camera. He was to busy watching the flames and ashes.


Nitima Sood said...

Interesting post. Enjoyed reading it

Check my blog at

Would like to hear from you.

Mavis said...

It was good to share in your family weekend. You got a lot in in a short time. Fun to see all you do when we are so far away. Thanks for sharing.
Love Grandma and Grandpa Sala