Sunday, October 19, 2008

First Visit with James Kroetch

For MEA weekend I decided to go to Colorado to visit Jenny and to meet new baby James (7 weeks old today). Grant agreed to keep Elliot for the weekend so I could go and visit and help out as needed. It is a little harder to do those things with Elliot. So I did exactly that. Jenny and I got lots of visiting and shopping in and I was able to spend lots of time snuggling with James.

Jenny has a great back yard, so we coaxed Doug into coming out and taking some photos of us in their yard. First we had to make sure that James had a cute outfit on!! Boy did he ever look cute in his cords and sweater vest! Doug thought he looked like his grandpa and Uncle Cory thought he looked like a nerd dressed like that, but the rest of us thought he looked adorable.
James, the baby, and I bonding together on the couch. James was in such a great mood last night. I think the three of us hung out on the couch for about an hour. I got lots of smiles and some vocalizations out of him!! The baby and James played together for awhile too. The baby kicked at James several times.
Hanging out in the boppy
Who says boys don't like to shop?!? James loved shopping with his mommy and me for 7 hours. He was such a tropper while we shopped!!!

Doug set this pose up. He thought James looked like Grandpa Kroetch in his outfit, so he went and got his weekly hometown paper and set it by him.

On Saturday Jenny, James, and I headed to Longmont for Kaylynn's (Jenny's niece) soccer game. It was a beautiful day to sit and watch a bunch of 4 year olds play soccer. It was also pretty entertaining. Here is a picture of Kaylynn ready to go after the ball. She is a great kicker!! After the game we all went out for lunch and then back to Cory and Jamie's house to visit for awhile.


Jenny said...

AWESOME pictures Paula! Thanks for posting so many good ones of our wonderful weekend together. What a great time we had! Love you, Jenny

The Browning's said...

Great pics! Thanks for sharing!