Thursday, May 14, 2009

Random Pictures

This post is of some random (but blog worthy) pictures that have been taken over the past few weeks.

The first two pictures are of Whitney in her exersaucer. She loves playing in her exersaucer!
She doesn't look like she is enjoying it as much in this picture, but I had to post her pout look. She already has the pout lip down pat!!!

"Look I have cow shoes!" Elliot is so proud of his "cow shoes" as he calls them. He had been asking for a pair so for Easter Grandma and Grandpa Sala got him a pair. He wears them every where.

Elliot has quite the head of hair and in the morning it is always out of control. Well this morning it was way out of control and I just couldn't resist taking a few pictures.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Thanks for making me feel better about my child's hair! :)