Monday, May 25, 2009


Here are some pictures that I thought were blog worthy that have been taken this past week.
Gavin and Elliot hanging out together on our bed.
Whitney loves her pacifier or pier (that is what Elliot calls it). Don't worry she can still smile with it in. She is such a smiley little girl.
Our sleepy little girl!
Whitney likes playing in her highchair after she gets done eating and this night she feel asleep while we were cleaning up the dishes.
We had been outside and Whitney feel asleep in my arms so I brought her in and put her in her crib. I thought she looked cute her little hat and snuggled next to her bunny.
Working Hard!
Whitney wants to sit up so bad. She tries so hard to pull herself to sitting position but just isn't strong enough yet. When she is sitting up she can't quite support herself on her own.
Enjoying her tummy time
Elliot got out of the bath one night and insisted on putting on my robe.

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