Monday, December 29, 2008

Thanks Mom and Dad!

Thanks mom and dad for helping make Whitney's nursery so cute!!! I had decided that if we had a girl I wanted to do her nursery in pink and brown. After Whitney was born my mom and I found this bedding set. My parents bought it for her/me for her Christmas gift and then my dad painted her room! Painting Whitney's room was an all day project. Figuring out the math and taping for the stripes was the most time consuming part of the project. Thank goodness I had my dad, I would have never figured out the math part of it on my own.


Jenny said...

Oh my goodness...I LOVE IT!!!!! It turned out so good Paula. Whitney looks like she loves it too. Can't wait to talk to you again - I miss you! Love, Jenny

Jamie said...

It looks great, Paula! Your time was well spent.

Rhiannon said...

I love Whitney's new nursery . . . and her outfit even matches!