Saturday, February 19, 2011

Our Big Girl

Whitney has hit some big milestones this past month. She is now in a big girl bed! She loves her new bed. I wasn't quite ready for her to transition from her crib to a bed, but she was. She is doing great with it though and when it is time for her to nap or go to bed she stays in her bed. This is much different from her brother!

The other milestone is wearing big girl underwear. Whitney has pretty much potty trained herself. It has been extremly easy. She does still have some accidents, but overall is doing very well. Here she is showing off her favorite pair of underwear, her "Diego's". In Whitney's world Dora is Diego.


Mavis said...

We love your big girl bed, Whitney. And your big girl underwear. Your growing up so fast. Love, Grandma and Grandpa Sala

Jenny said...

Love the new posts! I was excited to see Whitney's new bedding - it is so cute! And happy birthday Gavin!

Gma Peg said...

Glad you love your "flowers" to put on your big girl bed. Can't wait to see it in person! Sure looks cute
Gma Peg