Saturday, September 12, 2009

Colorado Trip

I apologize for the lack of blogging. I had a virus on my computer and it was in the shop for about 2-3 weeks. Now that I have it back I have lots of blogging to get caught up on.
The first week in August Grant, the kids, and I drove to Denver, CO. Grant built an addition on Jenny and Doug's garage. To see pictures of the garage project go to
Here is Elliot on the drive to CO. The kids were unbelieveable travelers. We made the 17 hour trek in one day.

The kids enjoying the sprinkler in the driveway. Jenny's nephew, Nathan, came over to play that day. Whitney liked watching the sprinkler action from a far.

Elliot napping in the papazan chair. Elliot loved this chair and just had to nap in it one day.

Whitney and James playing togehter.

This picture is for Elliot. Seeing the mountains was one of the highlights of his trip. One afternoon Doug took us to Golden, CO so Elliot could get a closer look at the mountains. There is a river that runs through the town. The kids enjoyed wading in the river.
Doug and James

On our way home from CO we drove through the Black Hills and spent the night there. We have decided to go back next summer with Gavin.

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