Monday, April 6, 2009


Elliot started a Mommy/Daddy and Me Gymnastics class. It is four weeks long. His first class was last Wednesday. He loved trying out all the different gymnastic equipment. his favorite activities were the ones he got to have a running start at.

Here he is getting ready to flip over the bar. He is with the instructor.

Hanging from the rings
Walking across the balance beam. He was suprsingly very good at this.

Here is Elliot's favorite:
This is a really long trampoline that he is suppose to jump down and then land onto a mat, but Elliot loved to just run full blast down it . He does not have the hang of jumping yet, so we are hoping that this class will help with that milestone.


Jenny said...

I love the new layout! Thanks for calling and telling me how to do this. It's awesome!

Mavis said...

It looks like you love the gym classes. You are growing so fast.
Grandma Sala