Sunday, April 19, 2009

Easter Events

We had a wonderful Easter with the kids. My parents were here for the weekend it was fun to have them here to take part in the activities. On Easter we all went to church and then came back to our house for queche. It was a beautiful day so we had an outdoor egg hunt for Gavin and Elliot. Elliot got the hang of the game so it was fun to watch him look for eggs.

Egg Dyeing
Gavin brought a really cool egg dyeing kit with him this year that he shared with Elliot. The boys had lots of fun dyeing eggs!

Elliot's famous sideways glance!

Team work!!

The fnished product

Easter Baskets
The kids enjoyed waking up to finding their Easter Baskets that were left from the Easter Bunny and both sets of grandparents!
Egg Hunting
We can not forget about Whitney. Even though she could not partake in most of the activities she did a great job of looking cute in her Easter dress.
Resting with Uncle Ryan

4 Months Old

On Aril 10th Whitney was 4 moths old. She has had 4 major events happen in her life since she has turned 4 months! The first being she is rolling from belly to back and is so close to rolling from back to belly, second is that she has added rice cereal to her menu of foods (so now she has 2 items on the menu!), third she is sleeping through the night (personally this one is my favorite), and fourthly she has started daycare (this is my least favorite event)! So as you can see Whitney has been very busy this month.
4 Month Bear Picture

Eating cereal for the first time. She loves it!!!

Going in for a bite

And now she is thinking "oh my gosh what the heck are you feeding me mom!"

Our little darling sleeping away!

Monday, April 6, 2009


Elliot started a Mommy/Daddy and Me Gymnastics class. It is four weeks long. His first class was last Wednesday. He loved trying out all the different gymnastic equipment. his favorite activities were the ones he got to have a running start at.

Here he is getting ready to flip over the bar. He is with the instructor.

Hanging from the rings
Walking across the balance beam. He was suprsingly very good at this.

Here is Elliot's favorite:
This is a really long trampoline that he is suppose to jump down and then land onto a mat, but Elliot loved to just run full blast down it . He does not have the hang of jumping yet, so we are hoping that this class will help with that milestone.